EP. 27 Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone: Try Something New!


Try Something New!  How creating a visual bucket list can inspire you to step outside your comfort zone and enrich your life!

Today we chat about the benefits of stepping out of your comfort zone!

Routines build habits and habits can be extremely helpful when trying to introduce new behaviors into your daily life.  However, as with most things, the magic lies somewhere in the middle. Too rigid...you miss out on all the potential that spontaneity or trying something new can bring.  Too "loosey goosey", with no self-discipline and you’ll never get anything accomplished. You may be the life of the party, up for anything, all the time but your life may also get a bit out of control.

Trying new things is really scary for a lot of people.  Why?

FEAR or fear of failure - humans actually fear an unknown outcome more than they do a negative or bad one.  That helps explain why it’s so daunting for so many of us to try new things.  To just let go and try.  One of the best ways to combat the fear is to ask yourself, “What is the worst that could happen?”  Is the worst really that bad?  Bad enough to stop you from trying? 

Let’s look at the benefits of trying new things!

  1. You may discover new passions, interests or activities that you enjoy
  2. It challenges you - keeps you sharp and you continue to learn
  3. It feels good/ builds confidenceI
  4. It gives you an new sense of appreciation and respect for other people that do or excel at that particular activity or thing
  5. It keeps you flexible (not rigid) - (Definition: A person with a rigid personality is, as the word describes, inflexible. They find it very hard to understand and sometimes even acknowledge the perspectives, feelings, and ideas of other people)


A really fun way to help make these new things come to life is to...CREATE A VISUAL BUCKET LIST! (combination of vision board and a bucket list)

Step 1 - Decide the time frame for your bucket list. Is it for the spring? Is it

for the year? 

Step 2 - Decide what items will be on your bucket list. I like adding both

big and small adventures. That way, when I’m looking for something

to do, I have a lot of options. These can be anything you want, from big

trips to simple things you want to do with your family and friends, or for

yourself. For example, for my summer bucket list, I want to go kayaking,

participate in a color run, take a fishing trip, and even try out a sensory

deprivation float tank. (That last one honestly has me a little freaked out,

but I want to give it a try!)

Step 3 - Create a way to track your bucket list. I like to use the Happy Planner

Page Protectors for this (the ones for 2x2 cards), but you can use whatever

works for you. I write out each item on my list on a 2x2 piece of

cardstock and slide them into the pockets.

Step 4 - Find an image that represents that item. You can use a picture, magazine

clippings, or an image from Pinterest or a Google search. I just took

screenshots and that worked perfectly. Size your images to 2x2 (or whatever

size you need) and trim. 

Step 5 - Put the list where you will see it and be inspired by it. That could be

on your refrigerator, on your mirror, or on your desk. I keep mine in my

planner so I see it every day.

Step 6 - When you check an item off your list, be sure to capture the moment

with a photo or selfie. You’ll be so glad you did. Add your photo to your

bucket list as a lovely reminder of dreams come true.

We want to see your visual bucket lists! Follow and tag us on Instagram @planahappyplifepod

Can't wait to see the new things you try!

xo Steph & Kayla


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