EP. 25 Twelve Ways To Be Kinder To Yourself & Others

Being kind is cool! Today we go over our 12 tips to be kinder to yourself and others. The more kindness you put off the more kindness will come back to you.

Kindness is the way we show empathy for other people.

Try to implement some of our kindness tips into your daily routine.

  1. Speak Kindly to yourself - Practice that positive self talk.
  2. Share an act of kindness - Do something for someone else.
  3. Forgive yourself or someone else.
  4. Give people the benefit of the doubt- Show compassion when there is a grey area.
  5. Say thank you! - Show appreciation!
  6. Compliment Someone.
  7. Smile & Say hi - It can make someone’s day.
  8. Pay it forward - Be a part of the kindness domino effect.
  9. Judge Less - Others & YOURSELF
  10. Be an encourager - Be someone’s cheerleader.
  11. Take the high road! “When they go low, we go high.” - Michelle Obama (YES!!!)
  12. No Gossiping - Don’t add to the drama.

We are not perfect but by putting even just a few of these tips into practice we can make the world a better place! Let’s do it!

xo Steph & Kayla


  • Simon Dimon


    Losing one’s hard-earned cryptocurrency to a fraudulent exchange or trading platform is undeniably a distressing and demoralizing ordeal. Recently, my sister, who resides in France, found herself ensnared in an investment scam that resulted in the loss of a staggering $280,000. The perpetrators of this scheme exploited her trust and capitalized on the allure of quick financial gains, leaving her financially devastated and emotionally shaken. Upon discovering the extent of her losses, my sister reached out to me in disbelief and despair. It was heartbreaking to witness the aftermath of such deception, knowing the impact it had on her financial stability and well-being. She recounted the promises of lucrative returns and the seemingly legitimate facade of the investment platform that ultimately proved to be a facade. In the wake of this devastating experience, my sister’s tenacity and determination led her to research potential avenues for recovering her lost funds. Through diligent online searching and consulting with trusted sources, she came across numerous testimonials and positive reviews about Web Bailiff Contractor. Hesitant yet hopeful, she decided to reach out to them, driven by the possibility of reclaiming what had been wrongfully taken from her. The moment she contacted Web Bailiff Contractor, their professionalism, and commitment to her case were evident. They listened attentively to her story, empathized with her situation, and swiftly devised a strategy to initiate the recovery process. Despite her initial skepticism about online recovery services, their transparent approach and reassuring demeanor instilled confidence in their capabilities. Web Bailiff Contractor wasted no time in deploying its expertise to track and retrieve the misappropriated funds. Leveraging advanced techniques and specialized knowledge of blockchain technology, they navigated the intricate pathways of digital transactions with precision. Throughout the recovery journey, they maintained open communication with my sister, providing regular updates on their progress and addressing her concerns with clarity and assurance. To her immense relief and gratitude, Web Bailiff Contractor achieved remarkable results within weeks of taking on her case. They successfully recovered 90% of the funds she had lost, restoring a significant portion of her financial security and alleviating much of the distress caused by the scam. Their dedication to securing justice for victims of financial fraud was nothing short of commendable, reaffirming their reputation as leaders in the field of cryptocurrency recovery. Witnessing my sister’s experience firsthand, I am compelled to share her story as a testament to the invaluable assistance provided by Web Bailiff Contractor. Their unwavering commitment to client welfare and their ability to deliver tangible results underscore their status as a trusted ally in the fight against digital fraud. They have not only restored hope and confidence in my sister’s financial future but also inspired others, like myself, to recognize the importance of vigilance and due diligence in navigating the digital investment landscape. For anyone into this cryptocurrency scam, I wholeheartedly endorse Web Bailiff Contractor as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for recovery. Their exemplary track record, coupled with their compassionate approach to client service, sets them apart in an industry rife with uncertainty and deceit. If you have fallen victim to financial fraud or unauthorized transactions, do not hesitate to contact Web Bailiff Contractor. They are dedicated to helping individuals reclaim what rightfully belongs to them and providing much-needed support during times of crisis. Web Bailiff Contractor’s role in restoring my sister’s financial stability and peace of mind cannot be overstated. They have not only recovered her lost funds but also restored her faith in the possibility of overcoming adversity in the digital realm. Their expertise, integrity, and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction make them a formidable force against financial fraud. Contact Web Bailiff Contractor though their website (webbailiffcontractor . com) today for recovery

  • Simon Dimon


    Losing one’s hard-earned cryptocurrency to a fraudulent exchange or trading platform is undeniably a distressing and demoralizing ordeal. Recently, my sister, who resides in France, found herself ensnared in an investment scam that resulted in the loss of a staggering $280,000. The perpetrators of this scheme exploited her trust and capitalized on the allure of quick financial gains, leaving her financially devastated and emotionally shaken. Upon discovering the extent of her losses, my sister reached out to me in disbelief and despair. It was heartbreaking to witness the aftermath of such deception, knowing the impact it had on her financial stability and well-being. She recounted the promises of lucrative returns and the seemingly legitimate facade of the investment platform that ultimately proved to be a facade. In the wake of this devastating experience, my sister’s tenacity and determination led her to research potential avenues for recovering her lost funds. Through diligent online searching and consulting with trusted sources, she came across numerous testimonials and positive reviews about Web Bailiff Contractor. Hesitant yet hopeful, she decided to reach out to them, driven by the possibility of reclaiming what had been wrongfully taken from her. The moment she contacted Web Bailiff Contractor, their professionalism, and commitment to her case were evident. They listened attentively to her story, empathized with her situation, and swiftly devised a strategy to initiate the recovery process. Despite her initial skepticism about online recovery services, their transparent approach and reassuring demeanor instilled confidence in their capabilities. Web Bailiff Contractor wasted no time in deploying its expertise to track and retrieve the misappropriated funds. Leveraging advanced techniques and specialized knowledge of blockchain technology, they navigated the intricate pathways of digital transactions with precision. Throughout the recovery journey, they maintained open communication with my sister, providing regular updates on their progress and addressing her concerns with clarity and assurance. To her immense relief and gratitude, Web Bailiff Contractor achieved remarkable results within weeks of taking on her case. They successfully recovered 90% of the funds she had lost, restoring a significant portion of her financial security and alleviating much of the distress caused by the scam. Their dedication to securing justice for victims of financial fraud was nothing short of commendable, reaffirming their reputation as leaders in the field of cryptocurrency recovery. Witnessing my sister’s experience firsthand, I am compelled to share her story as a testament to the invaluable assistance provided by Web Bailiff Contractor. Their unwavering commitment to client welfare and their ability to deliver tangible results underscore their status as a trusted ally in the fight against digital fraud. They have not only restored hope and confidence in my sister’s financial future but also inspired others, like myself, to recognize the importance of vigilance and due diligence in navigating the digital investment landscape. For anyone into this cryptocurrency scam, I wholeheartedly endorse Web Bailiff Contractor as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for recovery. Their exemplary track record, coupled with their compassionate approach to client service, sets them apart in an industry rife with uncertainty and deceit. If you have fallen victim to financial fraud or unauthorized transactions, do not hesitate to contact Web Bailiff Contractor. They are dedicated to helping individuals reclaim what rightfully belongs to them and providing much-needed support during times of crisis. Web Bailiff Contractor’s role in restoring my sister’s financial stability and peace of mind cannot be overstated. They have not only recovered her lost funds but also restored her faith in the possibility of overcoming adversity in the digital realm. Their expertise, integrity, and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction make them a formidable force against financial fraud. Contact Web Bailiff Contractor though their website (webbailiffcontractor . com) today for recovery

  • Martin francesca

    “I can’t thank CYBERSPACE HACK PRO enough for their exceptional help in recovering access to my cryptocurrency wallet. About six months ago, I lost access to my wallet due to a forgotten password and failed attempts at recovery through traditional means. As someone who had invested a significant portion of my savings into various cryptocurrencies, this was a nightmare scenario.
    After exhausting all conventional options, I turned to CYBERSPACE HACK PRO based on positive reviews and recommendations. From the initial consultation, they impressed me with their deep understanding of blockchain technology and crypto security. They patiently listened to my situation and assured me they could help.
    Their process was transparent and professional throughout. They explained each step clearly, ensuring I understood the risks and possibilities. They utilized advanced techniques and tools to systematically analyze the situation and attempt recovery without compromising security.
    What stood out most was their commitment to customer satisfaction. Despite the complexity of my case, they remained dedicated and communicated regularly with updates. Their team was responsive to my questions and concerns, providing reassurance during what was a stressful time.
    After several weeks of diligent effort, CYBERSPACE HACK PRO successfully recovered access to my wallet. I was overjoyed and relieved beyond words. Not only did they restore my access, but they also provided valuable advice on enhancing security measures to prevent future mishaps.

    Email: Cyberspacehackpro(@)rescueteam. com

    WhatsApp: +1 (440) 7423096


  • Dana Caldwell

    You may get in touch with them at : Prowizardgilbertrecovery(@)engineer . com
    WhatsApp ; +1 (516) 347‑9592

    Discovering that my finances were under attack hit me like a ton of bricks. As a dedicated father of three and a retired teacher, I prided myself on being cautious and vigilant, especially when it came to digital security. However, the hackers proved me wrong, shattering my sense of security in an instant. Even with my background as a retired banker turned day trader, I found myself outmaneuvered by these cunning cybercriminals.It all began innocently enough with an email from my ex-wife, a seemingly harmless communication that turned out to be a carefully laid trap. Unbeknownst to me, her email had been compromised by hackers, who wasted no time exploiting the breach to gain access to my Bitcoin wallets and trading accounts. In just three swift transactions, they made off with a staggering $300,000 worth of Bitcoin, leaving me feeling betrayed and violated. Refusing to succumb to despair, I knew I had to take action. That’s when I reached out to the Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery Team for assistance. Their process was refreshingly straightforward, and their team acted with commendable speed and efficiency. Armed with their expertise, the Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery Team embarked on a relentless pursuit of the hackers. Using a combination of advanced technology and astute detective work, they meticulously unraveled the intricate web of deception spun by cybercriminals. It wasn’t long before the culprits were identified and brought to justice. Thanks to the diligent efforts of the Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery Team, all the stolen Bitcoin was swiftly recovered, bringing a sense of closure to the chaos wrought by the cyberattack. Though the experience left its mark, I emerged from the ordeal with a newfound sense of resilience and determination. As a retired teacher, I had always emphasized the importance of perseverance to my students, and now I have firsthand experience of its power. Though the road to recovery was fraught with challenges, I remained steadfast in my resolve, buoyed by the unwavering support of the Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery Team. In the end, their dedication and expertise not only restored my financial security but also reaffirmed my belief in the indomitable human spirit.

    Homepage ; https://prowizardgilbertrecovery.xyz

  • Ray W

    How to Recover Stolen Cryptocurrency in 2024 / By Captain WebGenesis.

    Crypto Scam Recovery || Recover Lost Funds || Crypto Investment Went Wrong. How do I recover crypto from a scammer?.
    I need a hacker to recover my lost investment?.

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    Email; captainwebgenesis@hackermail.com

    Captain WebGenesis is the top Crypto recovery company for scam recovery and cybercrime protection. They provide a wide variety of professional services to help you recover lost funds from scams, cybercrime, and more. Discover their website for more details.
    Visit; https://captainwebgenesis.com.

    Hire A Hacker To Recover Your Stolen Crypto Coins || I Can’t Access My USDT Account, It Looks Like I Was Hacked || Bitcoin Recovery Expert Required, Getting Back Lost, Hacked Or Stolen Crypto?.

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