EP. 25 Twelve Ways To Be Kinder To Yourself & Others

Being kind is cool! Today we go over our 12 tips to be kinder to yourself and others. The more kindness you put off the more kindness will come back to you.

Kindness is the way we show empathy for other people.

Try to implement some of our kindness tips into your daily routine.

  1. Speak Kindly to yourself - Practice that positive self talk.
  2. Share an act of kindness - Do something for someone else.
  3. Forgive yourself or someone else.
  4. Give people the benefit of the doubt- Show compassion when there is a grey area.
  5. Say thank you! - Show appreciation!
  6. Compliment Someone.
  7. Smile & Say hi - It can make someone’s day.
  8. Pay it forward - Be a part of the kindness domino effect.
  9. Judge Less - Others & YOURSELF
  10. Be an encourager - Be someone’s cheerleader.
  11. Take the high road! “When they go low, we go high.” - Michelle Obama (YES!!!)
  12. No Gossiping - Don’t add to the drama.

We are not perfect but by putting even just a few of these tips into practice we can make the world a better place! Let’s do it!

xo Steph & Kayla


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