EP. 10 - How to Develop a Healthy Body Image
In this important episode, Kayla and I have an open and honest conversation about body image...and more importantly, how to develop a healthy relationship with our bodies just the way they are. We also shared a few things you can do every day to learn to accept, respect and even LOVE your body.
One of those practices is using body positive affirmations as reminders that you are STRONG & BEAUTIFUL and YOU are the only one who gets to decide what is healthy and beautiful for your body. Mic drop!
Our activity this week is to create your own affirmation cards and you can get started by downloading some super cute blank ones!
Download the 'Note to Self' affirmation cards!
Although we discuss this topic passionately and authentically, we seem to be challenged to recall a few specifics in our storytelling. So, I thought I'd fill in some of the blanks. Here you go:
- The actress I was referring to who had a hard time finding a designer to dress her was the talented Leslie Jones for the Ghostbusters premier. High five to designer and Project Runway alum, Christian Siriano, for creating beautiful clothing for those of us who are not sample size...whatever that is.
- I incorrectly referred to Beanie Feldstein as Beanie Feldman. Oh my goodness...somebody find us a fact checker, stat! She was dressed by the classic, Oscar de la Renta.
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